Book - Hand Bookbinding, Watson

Bookbinding Supplies

One of our most popular book for learning traditional bookbinding. Clearly written and easy to follow instructions and drawings. Includes sections on materials, tools and equipment, technical methods, various projects, rebinding old books, headbanding, making a slipcase, building a box for a set of books, and making your own tools and equipment. The use of many large detailed illustrations make this book one of the most popular manuals for beginning bookbinders.

Softcover: 160 pages
Publisher: Dover Publishing

Book - Hand Bookbinding, Watson

Bookbinding Supplies
Book - Hand Bookbinding, Watson

Book - Hand Bookbinding, Watson

Bookbinding Supplies

One of our most popular book for learning traditional bookbinding. Clearly written and easy to follow instructions and drawings. Includes sections on materials, tools and equipment, technical methods, various projects, rebinding old books, headbanding, making a slipcase, building a box for a set of books, and making your own tools and equipment. The use of many large detailed illustrations make this book one of the most popular manuals for beginning bookbinders.

Softcover: 160 pages
Publisher: Dover Publishing